अपने शहर या गाँव में “मिनी बैंक” शुरू करने के लिए निचे दिए गए फॉर्म का विवरण पढ़िए और उचित जानकारी प्रदान करें.
- उम्र कम-से-कम 18 वर्ष (AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE)
- कम्प्यूटर का सामान्य ज्ञान रखने वाले (COMPUTER LITERATE)
- कार्य मेंअपनी कुछ पूंजी लगा सकने की क्षमता वाले (WILLING TO INVEST SOME MONEY IN PROJECT)
- जिम्मेवार (RESPONSIBLE)
- कर्मठ (LABOURIOUS)
- बेरोजगार ब्यक्ति (UNEMPLOYED)

According to the latest update, the government has planned to open 5 lakh CSPs of the various bank across India till 2022. CSP is likely to create 10 lakh jobs in near future. You are at the right place to grab this opportunity.
CSP Bank Mitra BC was formed with the aim to serve the customer with the best. We are business correspondent and technology service provider to many banks. We aim to provide support to the lower income group who are workers and labor and do not have a saving accounts due to lack of documents. To become Bank Mitra, contact us.
Bank Mitra is the agent of the bank that provides branch-less banking facilities to the common man. We have tie-ups with many banks like Allahabad Bank, Indian Bank, Yes Bank, PNB, and many more. We have a wide network to support our business partners and loyal customers’ base. We thrive to provide the best value for money services. Any individual above the age of 18 years can become Bank Mitra by passing a simple screening test process provided by different banks.

CSP, which is the acronym for Customer Service Point, is referred to as a Bank Mitra, as well. Bank Mitra CSP is aperception, which is designed under Public Private Partnership or shortly called PPP.Here, Bank Mitra works as an agent or a representative of Bank appointed to offera variety of banking service to Indian citizens.
CSP Bank Mitra BC is the most trusted and renowned business correspondent as well as a technology service provider to many Indian banks. We are committed to offering a variety of banking services to all categories of people in India. We are the people who function as amediator of the bank at places where it is not probable to open the branch office of the bank
There are several beneficial reasons for opening a Bank CSP account through us. Besides getting a range of professional and devoted banking services, your every money need will be sincerely taken care of. Moreover, you will also be capable of leading a hassle-free life by investing your money in a range of lucrative schemes.
As we have vast experience and expertise in the industry, we will steer you to the right path to make your investment more profitable than ever. In addition, our All Bank CSP familiarity, as well as knowledge, helps us to offer better services to low-income families. As people of these life categories are mostly daily wage labors and workers, they may not have valid and firm documents to open a bank account.
Thus, CSP Bank Mitra BC aids these people considerably in opening a bank account in any of the r4enowned Indian banks that have no branches in the areas where these people live. We are also dedicated to offering a range of banking services to these people as well as acting as a sincere and reliable agent to the banks. Some of the timely banking services offered by us includeaccount opening, cash credit, cash withdrawal, and much more.
CSP Bank Mitra BC, which is powered by vast years of service greatness in the digital business of micropayments of remittances and services in a real-time situation, is the major payments solutions provider in India. Our business includes service combination and delivery, using mobile, web, and POS for online money transfer and payment processing services. We mainly focus on functioning as an agent or representativeof any bank, which is devoted to offering the premium banking services to the low-income group of people of India.